Derrick H. Nicelettuce

Art Galleries of Derrick Nicelettuce

Comics, books, pamphlets, art and other miscellaneous propaganga created and/or compilated by Derrick H. Nicelettuce.

corporate cartoons

corporate cartoons

I did some corporate work for a while, and they generously let me put these cartoons up on my site. I wasn't crazy about working for a corporation, but I DO kind of miss those paychecks. This cartoon series originally appeared in The Wednesday as comical Paid Advertisements for the Pyzzo Corporation.

Syndicated Amusement

Syndicated Amusement

I love art and comics. Sometimes I have to get "paid." This is how I sketch when bills collectors step up in my grill. This is for-profit cartooning.

Are You Prepared for the Afterlife?

Are You Prepared for the Afterlife?

Pamphlet circa 1997. Religious Tract prepared in the high Jack Chick style. Written with concern for the minds with questions of souls whose final destination and purpose might be uncertain.

beak and gum

beak and gum

A coffee table book published at about the turn of the century. (This century. Our century).

parable of man and bird 1

parable of man and bird 1

jack ckick religious pamphlet cartoon saxaphone octopus inspirational informational poop-buttery